Driver Improvement Agency, Inc. is ready to meet your needs. Our programming is structured to promote active participation in the learning and/or training experience by all participants.

Our workshops are based result-oriented methods, including:

  Target the specific needs and interest of participants
  Practical problem solving inopen discussion forums
  "Hands-On" learning
  Management training for increased productivity
  Collaborative technical assistance that is needs specific

Over 28 years, our staff and network resources have developed expertise in:

  Management Productivity  
  Passenger Assistance Operations  
  Performance Evaluation Communication  
  Labor Relations Marketing  
  Public Relations Contracting  
  Safety Motivation  

Defensive Driver Training   Protect Your License and Insurance Rates with this Safety Course   Improve Your Chances of not Having an Accident
Defensive Driver Training provides the student with the knowledge and skills needed to be efficient in Public Driver Training and Awareness
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration rank Mississippi as second in the nation in deaths due to traffic collisions (based upon the number of registered vehicles). Statistics show that 93% of all accidents are due to driver error.
As hospitalization, higher insurance rates, vehicle down time and employee disability due to accidents increase, the staggering $57.8 billion spent by the nation as a result of traffic collisions last year continue to rise.